GNDMS Developer Guide

This is the Developer Guide for the Generation N Data Management System. It is far from complete. It currently contains various tidbits copied together from different Wikis. YMMV. Use the source, luke!

Writing Webservice Clients

Setup a Development Environment

  • Install GNDMS as described in the installation guide

  • Use gndms-buildr idea or gndms-buildr eclipse to generate template IDEA or eclipse projects.

  • You might need to add $GLOBUS_LOCATION/lib/*.jar

    • Skip gndms-*.jar, but
    • include gndms-*-service.jar and gndms-*-client.jar

Setup a Development Environment for Debugging

  • Ensure that the generated modules in your IDE setup compile to the same output path as buildr and that globus, buildr, and your IDE compile using the same JDK.

  • Edit your globus scripts such that Java is configured to enable remote debugging and set up a matching run target in your IDE.

NOTE If the globus container is started with -debug it prints full stacktraces, otherwise not!

Writing a Web Service Client

  • Take a look at ProviderStageInClient
  • Do not directly instantiate port types. Always use the associated PortTypeFooClient classes to get port type instances.
  • If you really need to instantiate port types directly, ensure that the used axis engine is configured with the correct .wsdd files. This work is done by PortTypeFooClient classes if you use them.

Notes on Certificate Delegation

To use certificate delegation, two steps are necessary. First, service security settings need to be changed. Second, client and and service code need to be modified slightly to incorporate support for certificate delegation.

Security Descriptor Basics

NOTE This is a very brief description of security descriptors. More advanced configuration is possible, e.g. service method level A&A.

The security descriptor (Short: SD) describes authentication and authorization requirements of clients and WSRF web services. The SD of a service is configured in the service section of the WSDD file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
             <parameter name="securityDescriptor" value="etc/serviceFoo-security-desc.xml" /> 

Client security descriptors are loaded directly in the client software:

    // Client security descriptor file 
    String CLIENT_DESC = ".../client-security-config.xml";
    ClientSecurityDescriptor desc = new ClientSecurityDescriptor( CLIENT_DESC );
    //Set descriptor on Stub 
    ( (Stub)port )._setProperty( Constants.CLIENT_DESCRIPTOR, desc )

For more details, please consult the documentation on security descriptors.

Authentication and Authorization

The following example shows how mandatory TLS encryption is enforced with a security descriptor:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <securityConfig xmlns="">
                    <privacy />

This setting must be made both on the server and the client.

For authorization, a gridmap file needs to be set:

    <authz value="gridmap" />

This enables use of the system wide gridmap-file. To use a service specific gridmap file, please add:

    <gridmap value="etc/gndms_shared/grid-mapfile" />

Finally, it is necessary to configure (unless you are using JAAS):

       <system-identity />

Below is a complete example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <securityConfig xmlns="">
        <authz value="gridmap" />
        <gridmap value="etc/c3grid_shared/grid-mapfile" />
                    <privacy />
            <system-identity />

Client-Side Delegation

This section described delegation from the viewpoint of the client. The client uses the Delegation Service to retrieve the Certificate Chain. This is used to generate a proxy certificate which is sent to the delegation service in order to obtain an EPR for the proxy. This EPR may be passed when accessing resources directly or is sent to factory methods during resource instantiation.

   // path to the file containing the proxy cert
    String proxyFile = ...;

    // uri of the delegation service
    String delUri =  "http://somehost/wsrf/services/DelegationFactoryService"

    // port type of our service acquired in the usual fashion
    PortType port = ... ;

    GlobusCredential credential = new GlobusCredential( proxyFile );

    // Create security descriptor for the communication with the delegation service
    // This descriptor is not the same we use to communicate with
    // the actual service
    ClientSecurityDescriptor desc = new ClientSecurityDescriptor();
    org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential gss = 
        new org.globus.gsi.gssapi.GlobusGSSCredentialImpl( credential, 
       org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential.INITIATE_AND_ACCEPT );
    desc.setGSSCredential( gss );
    desc.setGSITransport( (Integer) Constants.SIGNATURE );
    desc.setAuthz( NoAuthorization.getInstance() );

    EndpointReferenceType delegEpr = 
        AddressingUtils.createEndpointReference( delUri, null );

    // acquire cert chain 
    X509Certificate[] certs = 
        DelegationUtil.getCertificateChainRP( delegEpr, desc );

    if( certs == null  )
         throw new Exception( "No Certs received" );

    // create delegate
    int ttl = 600; // a time to life for the proxy in seconds 
    // the boolean value can be ignored
    EndpointReferenceType delegate = 
        DelegationUtil.delegate( delUri, credential, certs[0], ttl, true, desc );

    // reuse credentials for this call
    ( (Stub) port )._setProperty( 
        org.globus.axis.gsi.GSIConstants.GSI_CREDENTIALS, gss ); 

    // creates a new resource which uses the delegate, i.e. proxy cert
    EndpointReferenceType epr = 
        ( (SomePortType) port ).createResource( delegate );

Server-Side Delegation

On the server side, the EPR needs to be used to retrieve the proxy certificate. Additionally, a DelegationListener needs to be registered to be informed about proxy state changes (Update, Destroy).

Example service factory method that instantiates a resource:

    public EndpointReferenceType createResource ( EndpointReferenceType delegate ) {
        SomeResource sr = new SomeResource( );
        sr.setDelegationEPR( delegate );
        return endPointRefOf( sr );

The resource needs to be modified accordingly as well:

    public class SomeResource implements Resource {

        SomeResourceHome home;
        GlobusCredential credential;

        public void refreshRegistration( final boolean forceRefresh ) {
            // do refreshing stuff if required

        public void setCredential( final GlobusCredential cred ) {
            credential = cred;

        public GlobusCredential getCredential( ) {
            return credential;

        public void setDelegateEPR( final EndpointReferenceType epr ) {

            SomeDelegationListener list = 
            new SomeDelegationListener( getResourceKey(), home );
            try {
                // registers listener with the delegation service
                DelegationUtil.registerDelegationListener( epr, list );
            } catch ( DelegationException e ) {

        // other service specific stuff here ...

The container will be calling get/setCredential on the listener interface. A simple default implementation follows:

    public class SomeDelegationListener implements DelegationListener {

        private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( SomeDelegationListener.class );
        private String regristrationId;
        private ResourceKey resourceKey;
        private ResourceHome home;

        public SomeDelegationListener() {

        public SomeDelegationListener( final ResourceKey resourceKey, 
    final ResourceHome home ) {
            this.resourceKey = resourceKey;
            this.home = home;

        public void setCredential( final GlobusCredential credential )
    throws DelegationException {

             try {
               SomeCredibleResource res = 
               ( SomeCredibleResource ) home.find( resourceKey );
               res.setCredential( credential );
             } catch ( ResourceException e ) {
               logger.error( e );

        public void credentialDeleted() {
           // Can notify the resource

        // getters and setters for the instance vars are omitted for the sake of shortness
        // ....

The setCredential method will be called at listener registration time.

With these extensions, a resource has access to the credentials of the user to which the proxy belongs.

Using Delegation with Proxy Certificates

Service Orchestration

The main purpose of certificate delegation is to allow a service to call another service on behalf of the user. Let’s assume SomeService is a client of AnotherService. In the following example AnotherService is called by SomeService with the proxy credentials by first loading them into the ClientDescriptor:

    AnotherPortType port = ...;
        ( (Stub) port )._setProperty(,
                // SIGNATUR should also work
        org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential gss = 
        new org.globus.gsi.gssapi.GlobusGSSCredentialImpl( credential,
                org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential.INITIATE_AND_ACCEPT );
        ( (Stub) port )._setProperty( 
        org.globus.axis.gsi.GSIConstants.GSI_CREDENTIALS, gss );
        ( (Stub) port ).doAnotherThing();

Now, in AnotherService, the caller DN (null in anonymous communication) is obtainable by calling:;

This may be mapped to local UNIX users via the grid-map mechanism: ).getLocalUsernames()

Export Proxy Credentials to a File

    public void storeCredential( Sting filename ) {
         try {
             File f = new File( filename );
             FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( f );
             GlobusGSSCredentialImpl crd = 
             new GlobusGSSCredentialImpl( credential, GSSCredential.ACCEPT_ONLY );
             fos.write( crd.export( ExtendedGSSCredential.IMPEXP_OPAQUE  ) );
         } catch( Exception e ) {
             // an exception --- do something

The resulting file is structured as follows:

  • Proxy certificate generated last
  • Private key of this certificate
  • Certificate chain in descending order

The exported proxy may be verified manually with openssl by first splitting this file into the head (containing everything but the certificate chain) and the tail (containing the certificate chain) and setting $OPENSSL_ALLOW_PROXY_CERTS=1. Now execute:

openssl verify -CApath /etc/grid-security/certificates -CAfile tail head

If everything is ok, openssl will print

head: OK

Otherwise a lengthy error message will be shown.

Another way to acompish this is to install the tool grid-proxy-verify, which handles the proxy-file without the need of splitting. A look at the source code is an interesting read concerning the details of proxy verification with openssl.

How to send a delegation EPR to the GORFX-service

Every method which is accessible via the GORFX WS-interface and which requires a delegation proxy, has a parameter of ContextT. ContextT itself is defined as:

    <complexType name="ContextT">
            <element name="entry" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        <extension base="xsd:normalizedString">
                            <attribute name="key" type="xsd:token" />

Which basically describes a map, whose keys and values are normalized strings. The delegation EPR is just another entry in this map. Now you might say an EPR isn’t a normalized string, and you would be right, thats why we use the Base64 encoder from Apache-Commons to normalize the EPR. Find below a java example:

    public void addDelegationEPR( ContextT con, EndpointReferenceType epr ) {

        final String DELEGATION_EPR_KEY = "DelegationEPR";
        final QName QNAME = new QName("", "DelegatedEPR");

        // boilerplate code which extracts the "map"
        ContextTEntry[] entries = con.getEntry();
        ArrayList<ContextTEntry> al;
        if ( entries != null ) {
            al = new ArrayList<ContextTEntry>( entries.length + 1 );
            for( ContextTEntry e : entries )
                al.add( e );
        } else
            al = new ArrayList<ContextTEntry>( 1 );

        // now serialize the epr
        ByteArrayOutputStream bse = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
        ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream( bse );
        oos.writeObject( ObjectSerializer.toString( epr , QNAME ) );

        // here the encoding happends
        final Base64 b64   = new Base64( 4000, new byte[] { }, true );
        final String uuepr = b64.encodeToString( bse.toByteArray() );

        // create a new entry for the delegation pair
        ContextTEntry ct = new ContextTEntry( );
        ct.set_value( new NormalizedString( uuepr ) );
        ct.setKey( new Token( DELEGATION_EPR_KEY ) );
        al.add( ct );

        // put it pack in the contract
        con.setEntry( al.toArray( new ContextTEntry[al.size()] ) );

Note the map key for the EPR must be DelegationEPR or the service will not find it.

Contract Semantics

This section describes the precise semantics of offer contracts in GNDMS. An offer is an negotiable offer for the execution of a data management task (like Staging, Transfer, and Publishing). Offer contracts may specify requirements on execution time, duration and location. Offers are negotiated between a client and server in rounds until agreement is reached and a contract is succesfully established.

Client and server roles are taken by different participants. For example, a grid meta scheduler may be a client to a central data management site that runs GNDMS, while the same site may be a client to a data provider site in a different negotiation.


The protocol consists of three steps.

  • Client send an OfferRequest with desired task and requirements

  • Server replies with an offer contract that tries to match clients requirements.

  • Client either accepts the offer. In this case, the protocol is finished with the creation of a task resource that allows the client to monitor task execution and to fetch results. Otherwise, the client is free to discard the offer and redo the protocol with another site or another contract.

    Client                      GORFXServer 
       |                              |
       |     createOffer( ORQ )*      |
       |                              |  |
       |                              |  | Estimation( ORQ )
       |                              |  |
       |    offerContract             |<-+
       |       Accept                 |
       |                              |  |
       |                              |  | run task
       |                              |  |
       |        Result                |<-+
       |                              |
       .                              .

Contract Structure

A contract consists of

  • An (optional) point in time called IfDecisionBefore, IDB for short
  • An (optional) point in time called ExecutionLikelyUntil, ELU for short
  • A point in time or an offet calles ResultValidUntil, RVU for short, or Delta-RVU, respectively
  • An (optional) size estimation calles EstMaxSize, EMS for short (upper bound on the number of bytes of result data)
  • An (optional) set of key-value apires called RequestInfo, RI for short. RI may be used to pass additional information like remarks, warnings etc. From a middleware point of view, RI is not part of the contract.

Contract Semantics

Precise contract semantics
If the Offer is accepted before IDB, the task will be executed before ELU with high probability. Results are made available until RVU as long as they do not need more than EMS bytes of storage.

If IDB is missing, it is interpreted as an arbitrary, undefined point in the future. This is currently not supported by the software but specifiable according to the underlying XSD schema.

If ELU is missing, it is interpreted as arbitrary, unknown task execution duration. This is currently not supported by the software but specifiable according to the underlying XSD schema.

Generic Client Restrictions

IDB is mandatory. All mandatory invariants need to be fulfilled.

C3-Grid Data Provider Server Restrictions

Contract semantic variables are mapped to staging properties as detailed below:

IDB = c3grid.StageFileRequest.Estimate.IfDecisionBefore, 
ELU = c3grid.StageFileRequest.Estimate.ExecutionLikelyUntil, 
RVU = c3grid.StageFileRequest.Estimate.ResultValidUntil, 
EMS = c3grid.StageFileRequest.Estimate.MaxSize, 
RI  = c3grid.StageFileRequest.Estimate.RequestInfo
  • Data providers must specify an ELU that must be identical to the ELU requested from the client
  • IDB and RVU may not be modified by the server. In the case of RVU < ELU, the client should discard the request.
  • Client EMS may be discarded or overwritten by the server in his offer
  • RI is filtered for keys
For staging requests to data providers, it is sufficient to specify ELU in ms and EMS in bytes, and to optionally include key-value data in RI

Support for Missing Timing Estimates

Contract Invariants

Depending on how the contract requested by the client looks like, some invariants need to be fulfilled:

ELU, RVU requested
IDB < ELU and IDB < RVU (Therefore in practice, choose IDB < ELU < RVU)
Delta-ELU, RVU requested
IDB < RVU (Therefore in practice, choose IDB + Delta-ELU < RVU)
ELU, Delta-RVU requested
IDB < ELU (and RVU is ELU + Delta-RVU and therefore ELU <= RVU always holds)
Delta-ELU, Delta-RVU requested
No invariants, it holds that start time ST <= IDB, completion time CT = ELU = ST + Delta-ELU, RVU = CT + Delta-RVU and therefore always ELU <= RVU

It always holds that ST<=IDB<=CT<=ELU. If Delta-RVU was requested. Additionally always CT <= ELU <= RVU is true.

Clients need to honor all invariants. Servers need to honor all invariants which do not contain RVU. Servers may only modify ELU.